Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I drank the poison. What was I thinking? Weird how all of these secret off-campus sippers such as Cori and her friends seem to suffer no ill consequences and even enjoy high honors. They shove a cooler in my hand and command me to taste. I did touch my tongue to that and said it tasted like vinegar so I did not drink then. If I did that again secretly I would just be another one of them, a nothing, just a district salt that has lost its flavor. And if I did the same publicly probably all kinds of wrath would fall down on my head, doubtless. But at least I could not be accused of being one of them, a secret sipper.  Then possibly that would demonstrate to the secret sippers the folly of their ways? Umm, not really. And besides I would have to commit suicide to prove this point. So I wasn't being very logical. And besides it really wasn't worth it. It was only that one time but anyway death is not reversible by human powers. We are dust.