Thursday, February 19, 2015

Which Reminds Me

When I was in college I remember that some guys thought it was funny to ask girls such as me trick questions that could not be answered rightly one way or another. Neither yes nor no would be the right answer so it was a bit annoying to be asked such inexplicable questions. I could not begin to explain what they were talking about, much less answer the question without rewriting their brain patterns and I had no time or patience for explaining to complete strangers complex matters that are really none of their business. For example, the Cederblom boys often asked weird questions that were completely off the wall, often with an angrily confrontational tone that seemed out of place coming from such a completely ignorant person with no intelligible speech patterns. Also, I remember once having a conversation with Kathy's boyfriend, Ken MightBeJapanesey in which he asked me some weird question. I might have said yes or no, one or the other, just to cut the conversation short, because I really did not want to be bothered with having to explain the facts of life to such a completely ignorant person, and then he laughed as if he had trapped me on some point, I am not sure which one, when actually I just did not want to be bothered with these obvious points that everyone already knows anyway. Just because some clueless person doesn't understand something, that does not mean that I am somehow under any obligation to explain it to him.