Thursday, August 4, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Sorry Miss Lee but we cannot rewrite 150 years of world history just to accommodate your face on the cover of Singapore. Shanghai is maybe the closest that we can get for you. My great-grandparents also spent some significant time in Shanghai. There is a photo of a woman who was their house maid or domestic servant. Oh, was that maybe an ancestor of yours? I never would have guessed that. You don't look anything like her. We were not planning to track down these unknown people for indentured servanthood. We don't do that here in America. Sorry if that does nothing to encourage your aristocratic notions of royal lineage but it wasn't just all about you. If you want to go to Singapore before and after fine, just don't expect to drag us there with you. Anyway, everybody understands about the social upheavals that occurred in the past century. You don't need to kill us just to flatter yourself.