Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Which Reminds Me

During ninth grade, in Miss Marken's honors English class, Lance Starin, during his oral report on the subject of, what was it, Greek mythology, made some flippant about the virgin birth of Mary and speculated about how maybe there was some other explanation or omission in the Biblical story, pointing to various scenarios suggested by Greek mythology, because, anyway, Lance cannot imagine that the Biblical story could be true as it is. Which was a rather shocking thing to hear him say. Why do we have to prove that? The idea that we know this by faith without explanation of the technicalities that are beyond our human comprehension is an essential part of the Christian faith. We don't really need to know more about that to bolster faith. We just believe that it is true, never mind about Lance's odd angling on the subject. But when you say stuff like that in a Roman Catholic country, in a classroom of somewhat militant Catholics, obviously you are going to have a problem with making people believe you, because, anyway, you are only a clueless ninth grader with a guitar, not really trained in the finer points of theological instruction. I am just saying. Why do I have to be the one to explain this? Don't you know anything?