Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was so nice of the City of Coconut Creek to come and plant free trees in our front yard. The new trees replaced some other trees that were knocked out by a hurricane. Strangely, these are maple trees, which would seem an odd choice of tree species for South Florida. Don't they have something more native to Florida? But the maple trees were given to us free so we really can't complain about that. I just wonder if those scraggly things will ever really thrive in the climate here.

I don't know why I am starting to get the notion that those maple trees would really flourish and thrive if transplanted to some other location, perhaps Baton Rouge or Atlanta. But here in our front yard, they are not doing very well. Anyway, I never actually knew anything about maples so there really is no reason for me to comment. I always think that planting trees is a good thing for the planet.