Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Which Reminds Me

We are only travelers and pilgrims in this life, according to what I always thought. So it may seem odd that someone is very insistent on taking my house away from me, the truth is that I never owned a house and can live without one. There were no guarantees. I wouldn't want to anchor myself to such a large piece of concrete. Wouldn't I prefer to avoid the headache? In ancient times some of my ancestors may have lived in a castle in England, but in our generation, well, we are just regular folk with no claim to fame. The castles are mostly owned by the UK government, which is just as well considering the high cost of maintaining that, what with the hiring of a crew of gardeners and servants, domestic and otherwise, plus an entire lack of privacy. I might need a place of retirement, but a castle would be just too ridiculous for words.