Thursday, October 25, 2012


I vaguely remember that someone, maybe Stacy, was telling me that I am going to be punished for being the descendant of a slaveholding family of Alabama. I will suffer because I made the slaves of Alabama suffer, someone was saying. And I was trying to explain that we have no ancestry in Alabama that I am aware of. Maybe you think that all the Stricklands are descended from Uncle Winfred's wife Hazel of whose ancestry I am not much aware. We are on our side of the family always thought that Hazel was a bit odd. I do think that she might have some Deep South ancestry if I recall from my research, her father Edward Tackett being born in Alabama in 1867, but we are not descended from Hazel and we do not know very much about her. All we know is that Henry Strickland was born in Missouri in 1852 which also probably have slavery probably before the Civil War but he was only a boy then. It is not clear to me whether he is descended from Luke and Delilah or that other Strickland couple with a son named Henry so we can only sort of guess that either way we are descended from the Stricklands who did not live in Alabama. We really do not have any Deep South roots, which means the Gulf states obviously. Yes, I made some kind of joke about the newspaper ad quoted in the family history book but I was not referring in any way to the Tacketts of whom I was not aware. I was only saying the logical thing about seeing an advertisement asking for a slave to help with household duties, which means that it would not be compulsory forced labor, not a matter of voluntary service. Only a psycho would make hay out of that.