Monday, October 1, 2012


You have a lot of nerve telling me not to complain when you yourself are the worst whiners on the planet. Every day we hear reports of your shrill whining and complaining, always at our expense, and then you turn around and tell us not to bother setting the record straight after you have set everything on edge and turned everything upside down and inside out so that everything is all skewed helter skelter and connections fabricated that never existed in the first place and your vain imaginations coddled and pampered to such an extent that you don't remember anymore what is right and wrong, what is good and bad. We were not expecting a rose garden, obviously, so there is no need for you to imagine that we would lay any claim to your prickly patch. You do not have anything that I really want or have to have so you will not presume to tell me not to tell it like it is, thank you very much.