Monday, June 10, 2013

Which Puzzles Me

I wonder why so many people were expecting me to "do" something. There was nothing to "do." How would you like it if someone dumped fifty tons of "Other People's Garbage" on your front lawn and just expected you to "take it." Wouldn't you also be calling around telling everyone to get "it" yourself. I just have no idea. Some of these voices I might be able to put names to and others are completely unknown to me. I cannot be expected to know what their problem is when obviously I have problems of my own, like, for example, paying the rent. If I tried to cash in all these Omartian discards I would likely land in a mental hospital. I am sure I could dream up some trash to throw around. But mine is not the address of "Mr. Trashman," referred to in the song from Michael and Stormie Omartian's "The Builder" album. I always did like their music and still own this album but "Mr. Trashman" is not me. Perhaps you could try the Yellow Pages under "Shrink." That might be a good place to start your search.