Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Which Reminds Me

Shortly before leaving South Florida I recall that I did attend the Bible study held by Norm and Terra Young at their house. I think it was on Saturdays. It was not endorsed by the church so it was just Norm and Terra's thing. Maybe I did make some comments during the Bible study because questions were invited and Norm was talking about such strictly Reformed/Presbyterian issues which surprised me because while we believe that we also accept other theological ideas that these rigidly Reformed people never thought of. If Norm and Terra are so Reformed they really should not be pretending to be AG in my opinion. So anyway it was nice that there were so many people there, lots of guys. It could have been a good place to meet someone but unfortunately I was being followed by that little creep Randy Gay from Louisiana and that really was getting on my nerves. So anyway I only went there a handful of times before I moved away. I don't remember any of those people now. I probably did not miss anything important anyway. It was just a bunch of not very interesting people, sort of boring as usual for this area.