Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I vaguely recall during high school that Michael O'Farrell was kidding Martha 'Matty' Brizuela about her possible "Mata Hari" connections. I always thought it was just a somewhat juvenile and sophomoric joke typical of high school days. However, the seriousness with which this minor comment has been treated gives us pause to reconsider the possibility that there might actually be something to that, not that I would know anything about it or be able to explain the context of that. I only vaguely recall hearing this reference to the wicked spy lady of World War I. For more details you might get more information out of Michael O'Farrell. But it is also true that often these Frenchified people have some rather bizarre and intriguing connections in continental Europe that simple-minded American white people such as myself could not be expected to understand. We might get a few clues here and there but some things that are just too personal to discuss with them, obviously.