Friday, June 21, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I am somehow reminded of the story of Jeremy, a baby that we cared for while a couple in Washington finalized adoption papers. My sister and I might have each taken a turn or two at changing diapers a time or two but it was my mother or the maid, Margarita, who did most of that because we were at school weekdays anyway. The couple from Washington took Jeremy away when he was about 5 weeks old. We heard that they returned later to El Salvador to adopt another baby, Jeremy's sister, but we were gone by then and do not know anything about how they made those arrangements. The story of Jeremy has been retold in various ways so strange that I don't even recognize myself in the story, as if I had done something wrong. Accidents happen but it was not that kind of accident. Leave it to Conchi to make me look like an idiot every time, as if they were ever really my friends anyway and not just Rene's leaches. They sometimes like to have useful white connections even if they don't really like us truth be told.