Saturday, December 21, 2013

Which Reminds Me

It never crossed my mind to ask whether a high school classmate, Kelly Elliott, was related to the Mr. Elliott who was a music theory teacher at our college. We remember his daughter Leanna Elliott, also a college classmate of sorts. His son was an organist. They do share the same last name with Kelly Elliott but I really would not have thought of Kelly from high school as Kelly is remembered as nothing if not an obnoxious busybody and gossip, a nuisance actually of the dummies class variety. I saw those girls ganging in the hallways of high school but I never stopped to talk to them because, well, they were not friendly. They exude an air of hostility for the most part so there was no reason to bother myself about them. I am not aware of anyone actually liking Kelly or saying anything else about her. Kelly's opinion is important only in her own mind. Over here at my house Kelly is nothing.