Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I vaguely remember hearing that that Smeyas' relatives in Arizona won the lottery. This was given by the Smeyas as a reason for them to move to Arizona to be near their lottery-winning relatives. So that's nice for them. I acutally have no idea who those lottery-winning persons were nor did I give that another thought. Certainly no one here would ever imagine getting a dime out of their relatives when obviously they have the Smeyas' missionary account to subsidize. A million dollars only goes so far. I would imagine that the lottery winners, whoever they were, would also need to finance their own extravagantly luxurious lifestyle and high-flying retirement, not to mention health insurance and other expenses of maintaining a higher state of affluence. So obviously there was nothing else to say about that. So why all of these stupid pokes and prods? Come to think of it, it was odd that the Smeyas did not stay in Arizona very long but they did not explain. Whatever. I really don't know who those people are so it would be too nosy for me to ask for details. Anyway, I have no thoughts of Arizona. There is no one in Arizona that I would care to contact for any reason so there is no need to say more about that.