Friday, December 27, 2013

Which Reminds Me

At SCC while rooming with Cori I thought that I did my fair share of taking my turn at cleaning the room. However, when she came up with a whole new scheme in which she would be the boss giving orders to me, the maid, I rebelled. I did not cooperate with that pathetically stupid scheme and that was the end of that. After all, just because Cori's mother's maiden name was Jenkins, that did not mean that we were related in any way to the crude and vulgar Nipper family. My great-grandfather's brother married a Jessie Jenkins but I doubt there could be any family connection there to the Nippers. And even if there was, that would not make me the maid or employee in their family's business, thanks anyway.

And anyway, I do not recall ever signing any contract pledging lifelong loyalty to Cori Nipper and her dog Jody. There was no legally binding agreement requiring that I eat Cori's putrid cooking for the rest of my life. I like cheese, unlike Cori. I don't know where Cori got that pathetically stupid idea in her sick head that I would be her lifelong friend and property to be disposed of at her whim.

There is no reason for the crude and vulgar Dutch to assume that any obligation ever existed on my part to lift them out of hell that they built for themselves. Am I God? No, obviously not. All the books in the world would not suffice for mankind to achieve salvation on his own, which is why the Gospel writers including only the essentials. As John says in John 21:25: "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."