Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Which Reminds Me

It is true that Trixie Belden was merely a fictional character from a children's book series whereas Tricksy Trina is an actual flesh-and-blood person who was a high school classmate who arrived maybe after 10th grade. Even so, it is hard for me to understand why I should feel any amount of pity for such a hostile bore as Trina. I too am a real flesh-and-blood person who has a soul and although I am quite aware of myself being killed by those nasty people who are so pompously full of their own self-importance as the breeders of the world—whatever.—even so, God loves me and forgives my sins and has a place for me in heaven because I have put my faith and hope in Jesus and not in a bunch of snarky people who never meant that much to me anyway.