Friday, January 23, 2015

Which Reminds Me

When I was working for the Hi-Riser at the Fort Lauderdale office I remember that a co-worker, Michael Sasser, mentioned having gone to lunch with a co-worker, Alan Goch, who was editor of the Jewish Journal, and maybe some other people. They had gone to Roadhouse Grill or Denny's where Alan had ordered pork chops which Michael thought was hysterically funny. Yes, I can sort of see where that might be some kind of joke for them. Michael also told me that Alan's wife is actually not Jewish, a Catholic. Oh, I didn't know that. How convenient for the Jewish Journal staffers that the sale of the company to the Sun-Sentinel never seemed to depreciate or negatively affect their career prospects. For some of us the change was not so good. Someone was saying that we were like the red-headed stepchild that the Sentinel didn't really want. They were just buying us out because our advertising people were giving them too much competition. It was a good move for them to increase their advertising income while at the same time obliterating the editorial competition. No longer were we allowed to have any pride in our work or in having scooped the daily on some point. Nothing we did really mattered after that. We were just supposed to churn out the copy needed to fill in the spaces around the ads.