Sunday, September 4, 2016

Which Reminds Me

I will confess that when I was a child my parents forced me to wear an angel costume with wings, appearing in the Christmas pageant at the Evangelistic Center church. Now, I never claimed to be an angel. It was only a costume. Four white girls were chosen to be the angels. Well, at least Cheryl and Susie were blonde, which seemed to be the casting criteria. Maybe you think the other two redhead angels were miscast, but it was only a church play, not a permanent thing. Anyway, I don't think that it was criminal of my parents to want me to be successful in life. Some people complained because every year around New Year's they would show that same film about snow flakes, and how no two snowflakes are alike, and how cruel it is for us to show that snowflake film to all these dirty brown people who have no hope of ever having white skin in this lifetime unless by artificial scrubbing methods and makeup. You countered that by casting me as the white rat in the interactive version of "Flowers for Algernon," one of our high school readings. Even so, I think that you are overreacting. I just can't feel guilty about that. I just think you are being ridiculous, whoever you are.