Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Which Reminds Me

One thing I can agree on, I would rather avoid a stupid argument in regards to the details of the mostly unknown story of Lori Lowgun or some other beauty queen. Why are these Southern people continuing to scream in my face? If I take the bait and continue to answer the prods the argument is prolonged to a ridiculous extent, bringing up some perhaps unexpected questions that I was not prepared to answer, and are none of my business anyway, and which would require a huge amount of money and time to answer, and for what, for just some worthless points that don't really matter that much, and that will be immediately countered at the next turn of the screw, which is why I would prefer to avoid them entirely, because basically they are screwing me. That's what it is. And I don't even understand why they are so interested in screaming in my face. I never did something to them. I wasn't thinking about them at all. I was just doing my job so I just want them to go away and stop bothering me. I don't even know who they are, not really.

And the "Turn of the Screw" was one of my sister's high school books, not mine.

I once read the "Screwtape Letters" but that was personal reading, not a school requirement.