Monday, September 12, 2011

Block Captain

I vaguely remember some discussion about how in Communist countries there are block captains appointed on every block to snoop around and spy on everything that you do, sort of like next-door neighbors who work for the Kremlin. It sounded scary. Obviously we don't do that here in America. We don't go around spying on our neighbors and watching their comings and goings unless of course you work for the police and your neighbor is drug dealer. Otherwise there would be no reason for private law-abiding citizens to think very much about the need for protection from block captains who spy on everything and make a huge mess out of things that are none of their business. So that is another reason to ship some of these block people back to Cuba where they will feel more comfortable and secure about who their next-door neighbors are given that anyone they don't like and report on will be immediately thrown in prison for no particular reason other than the people said so.