Monday, September 19, 2011


Yes, it is true that I did not pay tithes on the tuition money which was classified for my tax purposes, at least in my mind, as a gift and not as my working income. The money went straight to the college and there was no extra money left over for an extra gift for you. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to rob God in that sense that you are lodging accusations but I was paying tithes on my regular working income so I am not sure what your whiny complaint is all about. The assumption is that I make my own financial decisions and it is not your place to tell me how to pay my bills. My accountant will straighten this out, hopefully, but pastor will not. Pastor will not have access to my paycheck and salary information just as my co-workers also do not have the right to know how much money I make or do not make each year. You are not the IRS. I really must report this to the IRS but last time I checked pastor was not the IRS reporting agency except in pastor's sick mind, and also perhaps in Wicked Mr. Woolsey's sick mind. I do not want to hear another word from Wicked Mr. Woolsey and his Louisiana crew. There is nothing in Louisiana for me to do except drive through without stopping except maybe if I need to find a gas station with a restroom and snack bar. I was never even remotely interested in going there and the sooner that Mr. Randy Gay can get a clue about that the better for him. I would not want him to be standing at the side of the road waiting for my appearance because it is just never going to happen.