Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Pastor Problem

Yes, we do have a problem. What are we going to do about this creepy Pastor Webber? There he is up front continually enticing and luring innocent children to come up to his office and see him sometime. And for what purpose? Nothing good will come of visiting Pastor Webber. It is easy to say that in retrospect but obviously lots of people were fooled back in those days. Where did he go while the church ladies went rambling through the San Diego Zoo which is located adjacent to Balboa Park? He drops them off and then he reappears later without offering any explanation as to his whereabouts in the interim, great-grandmother notes in her diary. Well, you can just shrug that off as nothing. Maybe he had something else to do. Or you can warn us about the pastor problem. It is easy now to see something odd about Pastor Webber's behavior that day of the zoo excursion as described in the diaries but back in the old days we just trusted these people implicitly and never thought evil of them even when they obviously did not deserve it. A lot of these pastors are just there for the power and prestige and the good life on easy street and obviously could not care less about the lives of the children they are molesting. It is easy to see now, looking back, that Pastor could not be trusted but it is too late now to do anything about him. Future generations will have to be a lot more cautious about trusting these double-crossing, back-stabbing pastors and their retinue of mindless lackeys and all because nobody did anything about reporting Pastor Webber to the authorities, or else the authorities always knew and never did anything about it. Either way, sad but true.