Friday, September 30, 2011


Perhaps Dauna would remember who it was that I was talking to about the "it" dilemma. I really can't remember for the life of me who she was. I just remember someone talking about how frustrating it is sometimes when guys treat us like dogs, like we are not really feminine in the sense of prom queen or fashion model. We are not the homecoming queen type, not the type of girl that guys would think of for asking out to the annual banquet or other date night event. Yes, I remember sympathizing with her and saying that I know how she feels even though I am not exactly sure what her story actually would be as compared to mine. She talked about guys being very flirty and leading her on to think that they liked her and then later she would be finding out that they were not very sincere, that they were just being friendly in a political sense but it was nothing to take seriously. Yes, I know exactly what she means by that. Some examples of this type of guy would be, for example, the Cederbloms. It is not like they would ever ask us out. Certainly not. No sense wasting much time thinking about them. Yes, it is very frustrating when those guys go around telling everyone that I am their "sister" when actually I am barely acquainted with them and sometimes it seems more like they hate my guts in some sense that I can't quite explain. I can't quite figure out where they're coming from. The things they say just never made a whole lot of sense to me. With friends like that I don't need enemies, do I? They do a great job of ruining my life and stabbing me in the back while all the while pretending to be my friends to my face although I can't really prove this. It's just an intuitive thing, like I was saying. So, like, yes, I understand.