Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Back when I was in college at SCC some of us were talking and one girl said something about not liking to feel like an "it" and I, just trying to be nice and sympathetic to a troubled and depressed person, said, "Yes, I know what you mean." I LIED. I actually don't know what she meant by saying that. I have no idea how to answer this question. Maybe she wanted something from a certain guy that was not due her and not something that she should be expecting from him. Don't we all have our moments when we get our priorities all mixed up? Sometimes we are just treated poorly by certain people who we really should be avoiding because they are not right for us, especially in a college setting. I am thinking that Dauna probably knows more about what "it" meant than I do because I personally don't remember anything specific. I was just trying to express empathy and be a nice friend but, anyway, sometimes it is just not worth it. And if I someday managed to recall what we were talking about at that specific time and place, would I get a prize for this extraordinary extraction of memories best forgotten? No, obviously I am not going to get a prize for dredging up these tidbits that nobody wants to remember. Nobody cares what "it" meant except some horrid witch owned by Dauna and her "Cross" minions. Otherwise, it just doesn't matter. I don't remember anything.