Thursday, March 22, 2012

To Control is to be Different

I am not very socialistic in my inclinations. I believe that social groups are only one of many factors that determine who I am, not the only thing, and should not be that much in control, especially not social groups that do not represent who I am at the core and only played a peripheral role in my life, especially persons that I never even met and don't know anything about. Thus we see that I cannot be defined by any single "village" no matter how compelling the story seething with concealed ethnic hostilities might appear to these simplistic liberal Democrats who rake in millions of dollars publishing mindless tomes about "villages." Did the thought never cross their minds that this concept of "village" could be a nightmare of unending horrors if fully explored? Thus, I would prefer to follow the Biblical prescription which advises not to carry away very much from these dark places, these abysmally underdeveloped "villages" and, if treated poorly, to shake the sand off my shoes and move on to the next place without ever looking back, keeping the eyes on the goal that is ahead, the prize of the high calling of Christ, for which high school contributes not very much and which, if dwelt upon too heavily, produces nothing of any significance to me and only reminds of adolescent pangs best forgotten in adulthood.