Wednesday, August 22, 2012

No Mistake

On Sadie Hawkins Day at Evangel it was the custom for girls to ask out a guy on a date. One day at lunch Kathy from across the hall was hinting strongly that I might ask out this guy who was sitting next to her whose name I do not recall. I did not do that because, for one thing, with so much hinting it did not seem like my own idea, just someone else's thing. So I had no date on Sadie Hawkins Day which passed along like any other day. Which reminds me that Grandma once talked about asking out a guy on a date and it turned out to be Grandpa himself. So that worked fine for her but what if I were to make a mistake and ask Mr. Wrong? And would I just be copycatting Grandma rather than doing the right thing? So perhaps it was not a mistake that I did not ask out Mr. Robbins or whatever his name was. I really don't remember. It could have been sort of awkward.