Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Exception Is Not The Rule

Just because I made an exception one time, that does not make the rule. I once locked my sister out of my room. We had company so she had to stay in my room and was pounding on the door because I would not let her in. Bruce Brock, our blithering idiot guest from Arizona, intervened and was ordering me to open the door so finally I did because, anyway, it was hard to concentrate on my work or puzzle with all those people screaming in the background. So just because I let her in that one time, it does not logically follow that my sister has unlimited access to me and my life. Just because Bruce Brock happened to feel sorry for her that time, that does not mean that Bruce Brock and my sister necessarily have anything else to say about my life going forward from that moment. Bruce Brock was just that guy from Arizona who made my life miserable all summer and then disappeared into eternity. Perhaps he has forgotten that it was my sister who played all those pranks on him. She was always into that, balancing a some sort of bucket of water above the door so that when he was doused and pranks that I don't follow. I never remember that stuff. My sister really should know by now that I will not always be available to be cannibalized in order to fill the gaps in her empty head. I will not always be here to compensate for my sister's lack of a teaching credential. The beauty of home schooling is that it really does not matter whether how dumb and unqualified their mother is, the main thing is that the children will learn the value of thinking and reading and finding things out for themselves because obviously their mother does not know everything.