Monday, August 20, 2012


Yes, I vaguely recall during the first year that I was living in Haines City in Central Florida I went to the local accountant whose office was a couple of blocks from my apartment complex in Lake Alfred, I think it was an H & R Block office, and had them do my taxes. It was going to be a little bit complicated that year because I had lived about five months in Virginia, four months in California and then the rest of the year in Florida. Accountants can figure these things out because they understand these things so sometimes it is worth paying someone who knows what they are doing in these specialized areas. I cannot be expected to understand tax law in great detail. So? From whence cometh this "block"? Why should anyone be making noise about a "block" when obviously I have no reason to be concerned about my accountant's expertise. I paid my taxes that year like every other year. So?