Sunday, January 27, 2013

Assistant Pastors

Speaking of assistant pastors, I forget who it was that imagined himself the heart's desire of every woman in the church by virtue of his job title. So he imagines all these women are aggressively pursuing him as if they were men and himself a woman, the Pastor Bride pursued. This sort of inflated ego is typical of men but gets wearisome when it interferes with every woman's life. He actually is not every woman's partner, in case he forgot. Some women are not so picky about their husband's job title and don't appreciate the unwanted interference of pastoral intimidation. They don't want other guys of non-pastoral job titles to be discouraged thinking that women would automatically turn them down without a pastoral job title. There might be other reasons, but that would be a different point. Ministry is not the only reason to get married, just because it worked that way in that book written by that single woman who married Derek Prince in Israel late in life. These books are not written as recipe books. These are just stories to encourage faith but we are not mindless copycat robots. Some personal choices are left to our personal discretion.