Monday, January 21, 2013

Which Reminds Me

It seems that many years ago, perhaps before I was born, my grandfather might have worked for a winery company there in Modesto. I really don't know anything about that, nor would I want those former employers of my grandfather to imagine that we descendants of him are their property in any sense of the word "property." The wine sellers have come a long way since the days of prohibition but their plan to corral us teetotalers and non-drinkers into some little shantytown of unsociability is just too ludicrous to be tolerated. I refuse to play along with that ridiculous Gallo joke. Something ought to be done about bringing back the Kool-Aid and the fruit juice because anyway the punch was not spiked, only had blobs of ice cream or ginger ale, and it wasn't funny to suggest that it might be. I forget who said that anyway.