Monday, January 28, 2013

Which Reminds Me

In maybe the second grade at San Bernardino Christian School I had chicken pox for a whole week and had to stay home and mostly slept all day because I felt so miserable and itchy with little red bloteches and so I missed having cupcakes in the school classroom on my actual birthday which was such a huge disappointment. I was so looking forward to having my birthday cupcakes with all my classmates at school but it was not meant to be. I don't remember. Maybe we did have cupcakes later but it wasn't my actual birthday. I just remember being so disappointed because I was sick. And how many times do I have to repeat this story? Over and over again I tell this story because I made the mistake of telling it the first time. Just never talk is the best policy. How can I ever progress when I have to loop back to the beginning and start all over again and again? Do you people not remember anything? What short-term memories you all have!