Saturday, January 19, 2013
North Carolina
Yes, it is somewhat of a relief to know that many of the worst nasties who formerly lived around here have moved away to the vast wasteland of North Carolina so that we no longer have them hanging around making all kinds of nasty digs to our face. They might still be stabbing me in the back but anyway at least they may find it harder to get a knife in my back from that position now that I have unloaded. Obviously we have no connection to Billy Graham and his dull and boring family members who live around here. They are all Presbyterians and anti-Pentecostal so obviously it is not like those people would ever do us any favors. There would be no reason to apply to work at the Billy Graham organization as they probably only hire Presbyterians and/or Baptists and I don't have that type of credential to my name. Anyway, they are mostly a historical museum nowadays, just spending their excess money on relief and development projects, with not really anything of future promise to offer regular people like me. They are just a old rich people's club as far as I can tell.