Monday, January 14, 2013

Which Reminds Me

I read in the news about the five victims of Arkansas child molester Dalton Webber. It is only coincidental I would assume that my grandfather who was a church deacon at the church in Carlsbad, California, pastored by Webber back in the 1970s when the alleged victimization occurred, was deceived. Webber himself admitted his guilt and the denomination paid out millions to the victims of the said molestation. However, I was not there most of the time and only met the Webber one time that I can recall when I visited. Thus it boggles the mind as to how I was dragged into this mess by the vindictive families who were not satisifed with money alone. They also wanted to ruin the lives of everyone else even remotely connected to the Webber and they went way too far.

And now who am I supposed to sue? And for what cause exactly?

How convenient for the victims to have an actual legal case. I, on the other hand, have everyone to blame and no way of collecting for damages because of that wicked Webber man and his wicked Arkansas cronies who are covering for his wickedness and pretending that we had something to do with that. I don't know anything about it but I certainly do not think of the child molesters of Arkansas as my friends.