Monday, December 1, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Several years ago I received a message from Carole Hultgren (MK-Brazil) saying that she was throwing me to Brazil, to somehow replace her there, because I once briefly worked for her Dad at one job I had for two years, while she was chosen to mother and raise Nathan's children. In case Brazil did not get my message, I am not interested in getting myself thrown to Brazil. It is hard me to understand but a word here and there of Portuguese, much less why I should care about Brazil when there are nearly 200 other countries of the world, all with their unique problems and financial needs that need my attention, as if I could stretch myself that far. I have not much connection to Brazil nor any idea why I should care. I leave the job of caring for Brazil's orphans to that fat and ugly benefactress Sharon, who does speak Portuguese and is as self-centered as any Brazilian could be, as if Brazil were the center of the universe. Nor do I care in the least about Carole, who later shared Nathan's time in jail on charges of illegally obtaining drugs, not that I would have mentioned this if she weren't so eager to spit in my face.