Sunday, December 14, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I wasn't going to say anything, but it is a bit awkward to see California district overrun by these Chicano warheads. I do not recall Rich being popular during college. Who ever voted for him? Wasn't he a part of that fringe Chicano nuisance, those surly and sullen La Raza people who are always so full of themselves and really not much else? And wasn't Ronald his evil twin brother? I do not recall much in the way of specific details on the creepy Rich & Ron Chicano Warhead Show, only some vague impressions. So it is bit awkward to think that Rich would ever ask me to explain "them." Was I ever invited to their private parties, that I would have a wealth of information to provide on this subject? No, obviously not. My mind just goes blank on this subject. Really, I maybe don't like them very much, but also I don't necessarily see going Episcopalian as a real solution to this problem. That might be someone else but it wouldn't be me.