Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Which Reminds Me

It was on the first or nearly the first day of high school, in ninth grade, in study hall downstairs, that the teacher was calling roll and when he called out name he said that my name sounded sexy. He meant to be friendly but I will admit that I was so nervous and shocked that a complete stranger would say something like that in such a familiar way that when I answered "present" or "here" there was a distinct chill in my voice, perhaps to discourage future such comments, and I think that I did succeed in discouraging that, even though the teacher did seem a bit shocked at my cold response. Someone in the study hall noticed that and continues to remind me of that, which gets very annoying because, I mean, really, who is not nervous on the first day of high school? Give me a break. Which teacher was that anyway? I really don't remember him. He looked like Bernie Monserrat, but I don't remember that name. Was he substituting that day or our regular teacher? It is very fuzzy in mind. Anyway, you are too exaggerated. I was just nervous. Give me a break. You are too CRUEL.