Sunday, December 21, 2014

Which Reminds Me

I remember when I was living in California at one time I was rooming in the 1980s, one of my roommates was a person named Anne, and this Anne, who was from Huntington Beach, I can't remember her last name at the moment, who I remember her saying that if she did not get married she might take matters into her own hands and get herself a child by artificial means. I don't know happened to Anne later, whether she did that or not, but that was a strange and rather shocking thought to my mind. I could not imagine myself ever doing that but then again, well, come to think of it, didn't the Virgin Mary submit to the will of God so that the child Jesus would not be born of the will of man but of the will of God. It is hard for us humans to understand the full significance of the virgin birth, and yet there would no Christmas without the virgin birth of Jesus. In all of these two thousand years since that time, the virgin birth has remained a most sacred mystery. It has only been in the last 20 or 30 years that suddenly hundreds, maybe thousands of children all over the world have been born to anonymous sperm donors, possibly even some to virgin mothers. Who knows? This is because of recent advances in scientific research have made the practice of artificial insemination possible and affordable to wealthy persons wanting children. Who am I to say what those people should or should not have done? Why are you asking me? Who am I to say how society should manage this new phenomenon? Just because Anne made this comment to me, that does not mean that I would know how to properly comment on such a controversial subject, so easily twisted into some other thing I don't recognize. I had not given that much thought because, really, it would not be practical for me, not being so financially independent as to experience that firsthand by taking on a dependent. But it certainly is food for thought, this new phenomenon that most certainly could affect society in ways that we perhaps cannot fully imagine at this time.