Monday, December 22, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, all of this hubbub does make me wonder what part of GET LOST does the Faulkner tribe of Mississippi not understand? I could not care less about those Dust Bowl novels that really have no bearing on the reality of my life. I never did get around to reading that "Grapes of Wrath" book and I doubt that I ever will. Winning a Nobel Prize is not something that you can ever plan on. Such rewards can only happen accidentally after having done something worthwhile with your life. Didn't Falkner get a "D" in English and yet won a Nobel Prize because his books captured something of the spirit of that time, not because there were any facts involved? Anyway, not to worry. The canneries of the California coastline are still there humming along just fine without me around to gum up the works. The cannery novels have all been written and there is nothing more of interest to be said about that. Perhaps someday the journalists will get around to exposing how the Faulkners sold their literary legacy to gain Viking baubles. Anyway, whatever. None of that is my problem.