Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Which Reminds Me

To make matters even more confusing, we have this catty Episcopalian Heather, another high school classmate of U.S. representation, pretending to be a Christian and yet actually agreeing, quite loudly in fact, with Lance in contradiction to the actual teachings of Christianity in regards to the Virgin birth of Christ. So that unfortunately tended to confirm the racist brown groupies in their deluded belief that only they are the true Christians in this picture, in contrast with the clueless white people whom they assumed to be mostly Episcopalians. To further confuse the picture, we have the Episcopalians claiming that only they can represent the U.S. in official matters, in contrast to the U.K., an officially Christian country where official representatives can be presumed to be indoctrinated in the Anglican doctrines of Christianity to some degree, unlike the U.S. where no doctrinal standard applies anyway, while if you actually do have some faith you may be judged a bit too simple-minded to handle the complications of higher office. So that could be a useful political wrench for someone's purpose of whatever intention. I am just saying what I heard.