Thursday, December 11, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that was so mean what we three girls did to that poor beggar, how we concocted a mixture of vinegar and cooking oil and other things not drinkable and put it all in a bottle and had the maid give it to the beggar standing on the corner. What were we thinking? Was that supposed to be funny? I really don't remember how that happened. And the beggar was not happy with the bitter taste of our gift, needless to say. He could never get past the front door of our house and yet we played such a mean trick on him. Other beggars would at least get a banana or other piece of food if they came to our front door but that beggar only got a rude surprise, and he wasn't even knocking on the front door. Well, truth be told, he really should get a job and not stand around on street corners in ragged clothing waiting for handouts. He should manage more wisely whatever centavos he can get and not spend it all on booze, stumbling and swaggering around drunk as a hoot owl, which obviously is how these guys end up penniless and walking from house to house chanting with that plaintive tone, "Una limosna por el amor de Dios," as we all had heard. But, well, even so, that did not justify our mean trick. Two wrongs don't make a right, needless to say. So, anyway, I have confessed my sins to Jesus and He forgives me even if you don't, and Jesus is all that matters in the long run. "No man comes to the Father but by me," as Jesus says.