Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, the tenant farmer will tell us when — the scheduled day and hour — when it will be most appropriate for the gas and oil inspectors to conduct their occasional test of the land's underground mineral prospects. However, it is not for the tenant farmer to refuse the test. You will allow access for the test. The law allows for access to the land, giving the tenant farmer some discretion in the scheduling of the test so as not to interfere with the harvesting of the crops or whatever it is that farmers are doing there, whether or not they actually own it or are only renting. If you are renting, the property owner may play some role in making the arrangements with you. I really don't have a very clear picture of that or any direct connection to it. I am not connected to the farmer so I really wouldn't know. Neither am I the one who has commissioned the testing, nor am I the rights holder who would be paid a lease fee by the gas and oil people. So all of this commotion is just a huge and meaningless distraction to me. So if some political busybodies are poking their noses into your personal life and ransacking your house that wouldn't be us. That is all I can say about that. I cannot promise you that there are not political busybodies out there doing that but I doubt that I would be able to help you with that any time soon. I have no control in these matters. It's just the system.