Thursday, August 27, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I seem to remember hearing that Faulkner is a drunk who writes mostly while in a drunken stupor, rambling on incoherently about his own nightmarish visions of Murphy's Law scenarios. I suppose that something similar might be said of other prize-winning authors of the "Grapes of Wrath" persuasion. Of course, some of these clueless readers cannot even read English, much less judge of the various novelists who are not lacking in abundance on the literary landscape, even if the overall quality of our literature seems to be not as good as it was a century or two ago, generally speaking. To many persons to whom I may or may not be related, it is important that we, our family in Texas, not be confused with those clueless lowlife Okies who so prominently display their ignorance on the pages of fiction. We must remember that fiction by definition is NOT TRUE. NOT HISTORY. So obviously we really don't care to be questioned about the legacy of Nobel writers who tortured history in their private nightmares. We don't know anything about that.