Sunday, August 30, 2015

Which Reminds Me

How many times do I have to explain that I was not involved in the massive "used car lot" prank at college that was staged by some classmates of mine? Lynda's car was on the lawn wrapped in toilet paper and yet, as we learned later, she was one of the masterminds of that and did that to herself, whatever that meant. I was not part of the planning and slept through the whole thing. The next morning I see all of this turmoil as I walk across campus. There is "SPOT" painted on the pavement of the parking lot where it should have said "STOP." Do you not recall the kindergarten readers that often refer to the dog named "Spot"? "See Spot run. Run, Spot, Run," says Dick or Jane. I don't know why that's what came to my mind when I saw that, but of course, I first learned how to read, in California, so that's what I thought it to probably referenced. But of course these signs have other meanings as well and perhaps it meant something else to you, a transplanted weed from some other place. How would I know that? I have a limited frame of reference. I am not the encyclopedia, only one person.