Friday, August 21, 2015

Which Reminds Me

I am not sure from whence comes this fiction of me running for president. I never took that idea seriously at all. There are those who will tell you when you are young that you can do anything, even run for president, but they do not mean that seriously, they are just saying not to be afraid of the future because anything can happen if you work hard and smart, not that anything actually will happen. It is just a point of philosophical attitude not requiring a literalistic interpretation. I am by birth a U.S. citizen born in the U.S., California to be specific, so already I do not have to worry about belaboring that point of necessity, unlike some other wannabes I might be aware of. But even with that point uncontested, I am female, which also makes it doubly hard to attain such high position, especially starting as low as I am on the socioeconomic scale of things and having absolutely no interest in politics of the electoral variety. I think that I am entitled to have my own opinions and not to be represented by some clueless bimbo unbeknownst to me. Why should I be required to belabor this insignificant point? Why should my brain be frozen at some point of ancient early history that no longer has any relevancy in the entire scheme of things? It makes no sense to me.