Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, this does put me in an awkward position, being related to them. The actual question is, how long would it take me, a completely clueless know-nothing, to figure out what they are even talking about. I have no ancient magazine repertoire to speak of, can almost count on one hand any conversation I ever had with them that I can remember, have no record of their wanderings hither and yon all over the country, no memory of who their friends or enemies might be, and was out of the country when they were having their big problem so don't remember much to speak of. I may remember a few things that grandmother said but would only be parroting her to repeat that and, anyway, am not interested enough to ask further questions. I don't see why I should feel sorry for those whiners when they always were so mean to me. Don't we all have problems in this life of trials and tribulations? So all things considered, I think that my paperwork is better than expected given that I don't know what I am talking about.