Monday, August 31, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I remember that during the "used car lot" prank they painted prices and other mottos on the windshields of the cars using some paint that easily washes off with water. The price on Lynda's car was placed at $0, whereas Warren's car was given a special treatment of being covered with shaving cream and a price of $1 million. I am not sure what that meant. It might be some insider joke that was never explained to me, just an impression that Dennis especially relished in helping to plan these pranks. Well, we already that he can't spell "Stop." Many persons were quite angry with the pranksters because they got up that morning and had to wash their car windshields before going to work or somewhere. That is interesting to hear but as I was not involved in the prank in any way, just happened to be in the same class with them the next morning hearing them pretending not to know anything, and then Professor Elliot chiding Lynda for what she did because he somehow knew, even so, I do not see why all this anger should still be directed at me after all this time. I really don't know anything about it. I will just point you to Lynda, Dauna, Dennis, Mary Lasley, and possibly also my sister. But not me.