Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Which Reminds Me

During college one semester I took a volleyball class in order to fulfill the minimum PE requirement. Also sometimes people would get together in the gym for informal volleyball games. There was one guy playing volleyball who I remember was very obsessed with winning and was always hyper vigilant, watching everybody's playing and critiquing and criticizing, especially if we were on his side and losing, which added stress to the game. I do remember thinking that he was somewhat overly obsessive especially as we were not any formal team whose win or loss would make any huge difference. Sometimes I would get a good hit in or serve the ball well and other times I am content to duck out of the way and let some taller person spike the ball at the net which I am not so good at. I might like to win the game but if I am losing, well, it's only a volleyball game, not the end of the world.