Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Which Reminds me

To Allot. Someone is trying to make a point about allot, deal, distribute, handouts. Keturah was only a concubine so she was given gifts and sent away to a distant place wherever she was to go whereas Sarah was the wife who stayed with Abraham and family. I don't see where that has anything to do with me and my life here in Non-Mormon America. Just because I may have received some gifts that I didn't ask for and would be just as happy without getting, that doesn't mean that I have any such overlord or paramour who would have any claim on me and my children. No, I am free and clear of any such entanglements, never mind about the pathetic efforts of mag addicts. Nor do I have any children. I am just saying the principle. How utterly insulting to be appointed the "Keturah" of the family. Family? How dare these nasty horrid people pretend to be my cousins! I have no need of cousins.