Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that. Someone is continually trying to remind me of something that I overheard, something that I overheard at work, something that I overheard at work that was said by Gerd Persson, who is a multi-lingual Swede from Portugal. Gerd was overheard by us talking about she and her husband watching TV, and how he gets things started while they are watching a TV program, and then he pauses and refused to continue to a logical conclusion until after the TV program has ended, so she gets really frustrated waiting for the TV program to end. Yes, it is rather weird how these nasty Swedish Thor-dogs have insinuated themselves so much into the landscape even though, really, they perhaps don't belong here that I can see. I don't see how driving an imported Rolls-Royce somehow makes you more worthy of American citizenship than just some poor white person driving around in a dilapidated vehicle with a cracked dashboard.