Friday, April 1, 2016

Which Reminds Me

All this much ado and I was never a participant in the revolt staged by Pam, Sue and John concerning the secret money that Bob was allegedly squirreling away somehow in the books. I remember hearing Pam and Sue talking about that but I really do NOT remember the details of what was said, myself not claiming any ability to comment on that matter with any degree of credibility, myself having no firsthand knowledge of that matter, myself not believing that anything I could say on the subject would ever make the slightest bit of difference, only having overheard some gossipy hearsay of dubious quality given that it was only stupid little Pammie-Puke yapping like the idiot that she always was, and also I was already long gone when they staged a confrontation against Bob somehow. I really couldn't care less about those events. Don't those stupid people know that it is dangerous to confront people who have the power to fire you or, even if you are not their employee, to utterly mangle your personal life beyond recognition? So obviously I am never going to participate in that action or to provide any further commentary on that subject, no matter how many hints you drop in that regard. I just have no idea what they are talking about and couldn't care less. All I can say is that it is wise to utterly avoid them in future so as not to give them anything more to work on.